They are kind of hard to see, but this is what we have. I thought, as a good mom, I should document our fun with chicken pocks. Caleb calls them his spots. I think he has somewhere between 10 and 20. I am hoping that is all there is to this. He has a cute belly button! :)
I spent last night babysitting some friends kids, just like I do do every other Friday night. It is a great trade-off because every other Friday night I get a date with my husband and we don't have to pay a babysitter! Anyway, it was a really quiet evening, and then my friends came home. That is my favorite part because I get to sit and talk with my sweet friend, Debra. I love to sit and chat with her. She has such a quiet spirit. I have a lot to learn from her. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!
Today I am learning to trust God a little bit more and be willing to listen and heed what I trust He is telling me. If you read this today, please pray for me. God is molding me into His character. It just hurts sometimes. :)
I just love her! Tonight Carol asked if she could help the next time Hope Chest works on a house for another family! She was the first and now she wants to turn around and do it for someone else. I love her heart. Keep praying for her as her wrestling match with God continues!
My boys apparently have had enough of winter because today they threw on their swim trunks and went outside put on sunscreen filled the water table and had a blast. At one time they turned on the sprinkler and I had to veto that. I didn't get pictures, but wish I had. Oh well, I guess I am gonna miss some things!
Ed was a member of Team Talent (he is in the pink shirt in the front row). This was the "team" that went to LA to do the PSA for the 2008 3Day. Ed passed away yesterday. I have no details except that it was quick and it seems unexpected. My heart is so sad because I cannot go be with his wife Sherry on Wednesday. We checked all the flights and none of them can get me there and back on Wednesday. Please be in prayer for Sherry. She is a Breast Cancer survivor. Ed was her best friend and such a wonderful husband. You can see them in this video (it is the first one on the page). It is brief, but it is Ed.
I will miss you Ed, and I will see you when I get there.