Friday, August 29, 2008

Bon Jovi

Going back a bit....This is the sisters, all gussied up for Jon (Bon Jovi that is) We had a blast! We went and saw him when he came to OKC on April 15. Yep, just going back in time. I like the picture thing. I think I will back up again....very soon!

The blanks in my life

I apparently am not any good at keeping a blog that is updated. Maybe it is because nobody ever reads it. I should be more faithful.
So as soon as I figure out the finer things of blogging (such as how to post pictures and stuff) I will make it public and I will tell of the great things that have happened in my world. Can I pre-date my stuff? Because I could go back a ways and fill in the blanks. I don't want to have blanks in my life! ARRRGGGG!!!!!