Friday, December 5, 2008

Is he six?!?!?!

This week we celebrated 6 years with our firstborn. I am so amazed by this child every day. He loves to read and learn new things. He likes to create. He has an opinion of his own about a lot of things. (this can be tiresome at times, but most of the time it is pretty cool and often funny!) He has a heart for people who have nothing and he wants to share what he has with them. Though he will be quick to tell you that he doesn't want to give his money to the government because they already have more than enough! :)

Being his mommy has brought challenges, but mostly great joy. God has used this child to connect me with Him in more ways than I can even describe. I am forever grateful that we are so blessed to be called his mommy and daddy.

My prayer for him is that he may grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I love you Draden!!!

Blowing out the candles!
With Beth and Hallie

Bryan and Mindi rock, Dude!

Austin, Colton, Madison, and Draden, a motley crew!

Draden and his best friend, Madison!

Draden and Colton
(after this picture was taken they wrestled eachother to the ground!)

Crazy moms! Amy and Debra!

Mindi and Beth

Colton, Austin and Draden

Austin and Draden

We had so much fun celebrating with all of you!