Thursday, April 24, 2008

The past month

On April 7th, Amy and her kids and my three kids and I all loaded up in our two mini vans and took of for a week of fun and adventure to Branson. We left the men behind to do their making a living thing and we took a spring break trip. What a great week it was. We had so much fun with the kids and it was a great time of bonding for me and Amy and a wonderful time spent with the Lord. It is amazing what all you can fit into a day when you aren't stressed out with all the day to day chores of living! Many fun and funny stories about that week, and when I have time I will fill them all in.

I did want to add in here that we lost Stephanie on April 8. I found out about 15 minutes after she left us to go play ball with Jesus. It was 20 minutes before I was going to take the two oldest to a magic show. This was God's timing. He used a magician in a city far from home to comfort me. Isn't God cool?!?! All through the show the magician, Kirby, kept saying how these were all tricks and at one point said that the only real magic is the beauty of the world around us given to us by God. Then he proceeded to make a helicopter appear on stage right before our eyes! Wow! But that wasn't the best part. After he did that he sat down on the stage to tell us one last story. He began to tell us about growing up and visiting his grandma. Sitting on her front porch while she told him stories about Jesus. Then he started to so that trick with the string, where he breaks it into pieces. As he broke the string he talked about how our lives are broken and sometimes we feel lost and far from God. Sometimes we hurt and are filled with sorrow. (At this point he stuffs all the pieces of string into one fist and then slowly starts to pull it out) He goes on to say that if we put our trust in God and believe in Jesus for our salvation He will become the light in our dark world. (At this point one small part of the string glows BRIGHT green.) He continued on, And if we let Jesus do it, He will make us whole. (And at this point he pulled the string out and it what all whole again!) Okay, I have seen this trick done before, but it was the most powerful illusion of the night for me and the most meaningful! I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. God cared enough about me (who had only known Stephanie for a few months) to mend my broken heart through a magic show. He already knew!
I love God and I love how He knows before we even need what it is we will need!

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