Monday, September 15, 2008

Got it all together

So when you look at the moms around you do you shrink inside because you think they have it all together? Do you think you could never be really real with them because they might think you a bit strange because you don't have it all together? Okay, I answer yes to these questions all the time. Then I volunteered to do the registration and room assignments (among other things...I really need to learn to say "no" more...or just quit volunteering when my plate is full...) for the Lodestar Fall Retreat. I decided to put myself in a cabin with people I thought had it all together. Maybe I could learn something from them. And I did! I learned that maybe it wasn't so strange that I didn't have complete calm in my house all the time. It was pretty "normal" that I felt alone sometimes. It was pretty "normal" to be a lot of things that I am and thought no one else was. What was said in that cabin will never leave that cabin, but it was good to be so deeply real with other women.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like your retreat was amazing. Hey, can we plan a Lifegroup micro-mission serve together thing soon? I know everyone's really busy and you and I are going to be getting ready for the 3Day, but Bryan and I's friend Nate's Lifegroup is allllways serving together and it sounds like some good bonding too.